Local DAR Chapter holds 3rd Annual Famous Ladies Tea
submitted by Deborah Dushane, Lucy Wolcott Barnum Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution
The 3rd Annual Famous Ladies Tea was held on Sunday, November 10th at the General Croswell Tea Room in Adrian, Michigan. This year the ladies of the Lucy Wolcott Barnum Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, presented “Famous First Ladies of the United States Who Were Also Members of DAR” to a group of over 40 participants.
Every year, we have a ‘Mystery Famous Lady” who is revealed the day of the Tea. Bronna Kahle, Michigan State Representative from Lenawee County appeared as Mamie Dowd Eisenhower in her “Mamie Pink” dress which was a popular color during Eisenhower’s Administration.
Other participants were Deborah Dushane, Regent (Temperance) appearing as Caroline Scott Harrison, Betty Cummings, Past Regent (Manchester) appeared as Julia Dent Grant, Janelle Thomas (Morenci) as Florence Kling Harding and Elizabeth Dobbs (Adrian) as Edith Carow Roosevelt.
The Lucy Wolcott Barnum Chapter is always seeking new members who want to honor their ancestors that served in the American Revolution. We can help with your research! Contact www.dar.org to find out how to become a new member.
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