Sara Swanson

Village waits for news from Lansing on cityhood

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Manchester–village or city?

Village residents will soon receive a newsletter with the latest information about the process of Manchester becoming a city.

“It is a long process!” is the basic message of the newsletter. Residents are asked to be aware that while a village-wide petition drive will likely take place after the first of the year, that is but one single step toward potential city status. That petition, once completed, will be forwarded to the State Boundary Commission and there likely will be a six-month waiting period before a public hearing may be held.

Following the public hearing, a referendum (vote) will be scheduled, a Charter Commission will be elected, a Charter will be drafted, and a subsequent election will be held to finalize the process. All in all, the process is expected to take close to two years or possibly longer.

Currently, a survey of the village boundaries has been completed and submitted for review to the state. A question was raised about annexations on the north edge of the village and new measurements and a title search are required. Due to the fact that the state office handling matter this is understaffed and with holidays quickly approaching, no new information from the state is expected until after the first of the year. As the title searches and updates are finalized, the village remains in a “wait and see” mode until the state office resolves its questions.

Village President Pat Vailliencourt has asked Village Council to help develop a list of bullet point facts so that those who eventually circulate the cityhood petitions will understand how to explain the process to residents before they sign. Simply signing the petition does not commit one to a specific vote when the final elections happen.

While the village has held public information gatherings prior to each meeting since September, as well as special sessions to discuss city status during each meeting, no questions have come from visitors at these meetings. Anyone who has questions about the current status of the ongoing process, or how cityhood might eventually affect citizens of the village or the surrounding townships, is welcome to attend Village Council meetings at 7 pm on the first and third Mondays of each month. Public participation is welcomed.

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