Sara Swanson

Get ready for the Chocolate Potluck!

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The Manchester Ladies Society is preparing to hold its seventh Annual Chocolate potluck on January 25th at 1 pm at the United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall located at 501 Ann Arbor St on the lower level (parking in rear). All women and girls are invited. This event is FREE and is just for fun; it is not a recruitment event or fund-raiser.

Bring your mother, your daughter, your granddaughter and a dish to pass with chocolate as an ingredient. Or come alone and meet new people! A great way to beat the mid-winter blues is with good conversation and chocolate!

Chocolate fountain and chili at previous year’s chocolate potluck

In the past, chocolate dishes brought to the potluck have ranged from sweet to savory and have included every dessert you can imagine–from the simple like chocolate cookies, to decadent desserts like flourless chocolate torte, to healthy dishes like vegan cocoa quinoa chili and white chocolate baba ghanouj, and even to sugar-free chocolate mousse. In addition, the Ladies Society sets up a chocolate fountain for dipping.

Photo from previous year’s Chocolate Potluck

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