Sara Swanson

Organization seeks to bring MonkeyPlay to Manchester preschoolers

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A little help from a friend

Editor’s note: Hutan for World Health plans to seek funding to bring MonkeyPlay to Manchester in 2021.

submitted by Ruth Habrecht, president of

Slither along the “rainbow jungle” like a snake. Balance on one leg like a flamingo. Sprint across the African savannah like a cheetah. Feel your heart pounding! All of this action takes place during the preschool MonkeyPlay movement-based learning program. Not only does MonkeyPlay build heart strength, the program engages children in the pure joy that comes from movement and guides them on a path toward healthier lives. Children respond to animals, which trigger cognitively rich, multi-sensory experiences. The use of animals as the mediator of concepts helps eliminate competition and fear of failure, allows children to freely challenge themselves, and dramatically boost their confidence. Because there’s simply no wrong way to run like a cheetah, this is very different than competing in a sport or perfecting a dance move.

With a generous grant from the 5 Healthy Towns Foundation through the Chelsea Friends and Family Wellness Coalition the MonkeyPlay program was recently introduced into the Chelsea Community Preschool. This funding allowed all 80 children and their families to participate. Through MonkeyPlay, children were able to increase their physical activity levels, develop an understanding of the importance of being active, and improve their food choices.

Reams of research highlight the importance of early childhood development. The best opportunities to improve a child’s life trajectory happen before age six. Ninety percent of physical brain development occurs during first three years of life and most developmental milestones take place before children enter kindergarten. Studies also demonstrate that children who are learning new information show that more areas of their brain are activated if they are moving versus sitting still.

Research from the MonkeyPlay program has identified three key benefits to children: 1) With MonkeyPlay movement-based learning, children have better retention of information and improved ability to focus throughout the day. 2) The program’s interactive take-home materials connect parents to what children are learning, and create healthy new ways for parents and children to interact. 3) The program improves children’s confidence. In a non-competitive environment children feel comfortable to develop skills at their own level.

MonkeyPlay was developed by Hutan for World Health, a nonprofit organization with a mission to improve human and environmental health.

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