Donations now accepted at Worth Repeating

Volunteers have begun the work of sorting and preparing donated goods at Worth Repeating, in anticipation of its planned opening March 4. Photo courtesy of Pat Sahakian
Submitted by Sharon Curtis, Worth Repeating Volunteer
Donations are now being taken at Worth Repeating Wednesday through Saturday from 11 to 5, in preparation for the store opening on March 4th. The new location is at 110 E. Main Street, most recently the location of Steelegrafix.
Items must be clean and in good usable condition. A reminder: Worth Repeating cannot take electronics, car seats, medical supplies, textbooks, or building materials. A complete list is available at the store.
The mission of Worth Repeating is to sell donated items to the public to provide funds to other non-profits in the Manchester area. Therefore, the items that are accepted must be easily resalable.
The store is especially in need of good used furniture. If you need help in moving large furniture, please talk to someone at the store.
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