Sara Swanson

Manchester Township Board Meeting – Feb 11, 2020

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Manchester Township Hall

by Sybil Kolon, Community Reporter Corps 

This article covers items most likely to be of interest to residents. See the board’s minutes of this meeting (which will be available prior to the next meeting) or contact board members for more details. Residents should consider attending a board meeting now and then to keep abreast of township issues.

Six of seven board members were present. Trustee Ron Milkey chaired the meeting; also Trustees Danell Proctor, Laurie Carey, Carol Macomber, Lisa Moutinho and John Seefeld were in attendance. Supervisor Gene DeRossett was absent. Lana Theis, State Senator, was present and spoke during public comment. Several other members of the public also were present.

There was public comment by the author that the township board meeting minutes contain very little detail and the intent of these articles is to keep the community better informed. There was additional public comment on AshKay Island and there was additional discussion by the board during other parts of the meeting. The signs announcing a marina have been removed. The clerk was asked to invite the construction authority to the March meeting. The owner of the island, Andy Bobo, spoke during the second public comment. He has sent letters to the board in the past and recently sent a letter to the clerk. He stated he does not know what the board’s issues are.

Macomber, zoning administrator, is looking into a complaint of someone living in a recreational vehicle.

Seefeld, the board’s representative on the planning commission, mentioned several items the MTPC is working on. The detailed site plan for the RV Resort has been received, showing 52 units for the first phase. Draft language to allow for agricultural tourism and to address short-term rentals has been received and will be considered at future meetings. A 30-day minimum for short-term rentals is being considered.

Moutinho reported on the county’s efforts to improve broadband coverage in unserved, rural areas. Manchester Township is shown as having 97% broadband coverage by the FCC, which is not accurate. A survey is being sent to all county residents to document broadband coverage throughout the county. Residents are encouraged to respond, as this will assist the county in applying for grants to improve coverage.

The board is creating a communications policy to assist them in keeping up to date with issues of concern to the township. It will be on the agenda next month.

Seefeld has suggested a building fund be established for the possible replacement of the township hall. Other members agreed. The township attorney will be requested to provide language for a resolution to establish such a fund.

Carey spoke about language provided by the township attorney for a resolution to adopt a policy for enhanced access to public records. This is to cover routine requests for records from various parties. She did not believe the language addressed her concern. Further communication with the attorney will be had before the policy will be considered.

The township owns several small, unbuildable lots in the lake communities. No taxes are being received for these parcels. Macomber will request a quote for surveying these parcels as a first step in getting these parcels on the tax rolls.

Seefeld and Carey reported on the village council meetings they had attended. Both said the meetings were uneventful. DeRossett, Milkey and Moutinho had a meeting with representatives of the village in an effort to understand the issues that have surfaced since the village started pursuing city status. The village has concerns about how the township taxes collected from village residents are used. Manchester Township’s attorney indicated that the township can use some of its funds for village projects. It was agreed that communications should be improved and that additional meetings should be held, but no date was set. Macomber indicated the Southwest Washtenaw Council of Governments meetings have been resumed and this is an opportunity for the village, the four surrounding townships, and schools to be informed about local issues and activities.

We are still seeking more volunteers to cover local township board meetings! If you are interested in joining the Community Reporter Corps, email or call 734-328-1386.

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