Manchester’s 54th Annual Canoe Race postponed

The annual River Raisin canoe and kayak race will not be held on the third Sunday in May, but coordinators are working to find a later date to keep this Manchester tradition alive.
submitted by Sybil Kolon, Canoe Race committee
With uncertainty still surrounding the ability of group activities to go forward in May, the committee coordinating the Canoe and Kayak Race decided last week to postpone the annual race, normally held on the third Sunday in May. A decision regarding when and if the race can be held will likely be made in May or June. In the meantime, the team is committed to making the race happen this year if at all possible.
Conditions may not be ideal, due to water levels falling during the summer, and other factors, but we suspect there are many others who feel the race must go on. If we plan accordingly, we can adapt to the circumstances and make this another memorable race.
The race had been sponsored by Kiwanis of Manchester since 2003. With the disbanding of the local Kiwanis group last year, the Manchester Music Boosters has stepped up to sponsor the race. Veteran Kiwanians have been working with the Boosters to get things lined up for this year. The Boosters plan to use this year’s proceeds to support the high school Band’s planned trip to London in 2021.
Watch the Mirror and the Manchester River Raisin Canoe Kayak Race Facebook page will to keep updated on planning. For those not on Facebook, please send an email to to be notified of updates or to provide your input. What do you think about a canoe race in July or August when you might have to walk your canoe some of the time? What about waiting until late September or early October, when water levels should be coming back up? Can we squeeze it in in June? What about combining with some other downtown activities? We would love to have your feedback.
Manchester’s Canoe/Kayak race is believed to be the longest running annual canoe race held for consecutive years in the State of Michigan. The first one was held as part of the Village of Manchester’s Centennial celebration on April 22, 1967. In fact, it was a Boat/Canoe Race until 1987, when row boats were dropped. Kayaks were added in 1994. The race was held in early May in 1968 and 1969. Starting in 1970 it has been held on the third Sunday in May, except in 1988, when it was delayed until June due to a change in sponsors.
The AuSable River Canoe Marathon is a much longer race and has been held since 1947, but according to their website, there was no race in 1969. Therefore, Manchester should claim–and maintain–its bragging rights to the longest uninterrupted annual canoe race in the State of Michigan. Let’s do everything we can to continue this local tradition!
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