Sara Swanson

RRWC holding student poster contest

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Sun setting over the Raisin River in the Ervin-Stucki Preserve in Bridgewater Township.

River Raisin Watershed Council is holding a poster contest for students in kindergarten through 12th grade. Students should design their poster to teach how they (and others) can keep the water in our rivers and lakes clean. Submissions are due May 15th, 2020, by emailing it in jpg., png., or pdf. file format with a resolution of 300 dpi to

All artwork must be original and submitted with student’s name and grade, student/parent’s email and mailing address, and school name and mailing address. All artwork must be at or under 8.5 x 17″. One poster per student.

A winner will be chosen from each grade category. Winners will get an age-appropriate outdoor adventure kit (value $50). Each winner’s school will receive $75 to use toward STEM education. Winning posters (including the student’s first name, grade, and school) will be displayed at RRWC’s Semi-Annual Meeting and on RRWC’s social media pages.

Visit for all the details.

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