Sara Swanson

Write a letter, thank an essential hospital worker

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submitted by 5 Healthy Towns Foundation

5 Healthy Towns Foundation, in collaboration with a community team of volunteers called Health Ministry in Action, and Community Wellness Coalitions, launched a thank-you letter campaign this week to support essential hospital workers at St. Joseph Mercy/Chelsea and Henry Ford Allegiance Hospital/Jackson. The campaign, which started small with a group of Chelsea high school students, quickly took shape as each community identified some steps to promote words of encouragement during this difficult time.

Drop boxes for individuals who want to write thank you cards have been placed at:

  • Chelsea Wellness Center
  • Dexter Wellness Center
  • Whistlestop Depot in Grass Lake
  • Manchester United Methodist Church

Those will be collected and delivered each week. For individuals who would prefer to mail their letters directly, those can be addressed  to:

  • St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea Community Health Improvement, 1515 Commerce Park Drive, Chelsea, MI 48118
  • Henry Ford Allegiance Health Administrative Offices, 205 N. East Avenue, Jackson, MI 49201

For individuals who would prefer to send a statement electronically, SJMC will receive your note and add it to their Wall of Gratitude. Go to

Lori Kintz, 5HF Communications Manager, organized the campaign after both SJMC and HFHS expressed their desire for employee support. “Representatives in each community picked up on it quickly,” Kintz said. “People are eager to share their thanks with those who are taking on frightening work. Everyone in the community can participate.”

Amy Heydlauff, 5HF CEO, added, “It’s not just the clinical staff who deserve our thanks. It’s everyone going to work in our health centers – environmental services staff, dietary workers, radiology and lab personnel, pharmacy techs social workers and many more. We want them to know that we appreciate their commitment.”

Health Ministry in Action is a local volunteer group who provides information and support to local faith community leaders regarding health ministries for youth, families and older adults.

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