Sara Swanson

SRSLY? Check In With Us

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submitted by SRSLY Manchester

Check your stats: 83.2% of Manchester High School students have not had a drink of alcohol in the past 30 days and 99% of Manchester Middle School students have not drunk alcohol in the past 30 days. (MiPHY 2018)

Did you know? In 2018, 8% of eight grade students, 19% of sophomores, and 30% of seniors drank alcohol in the past 30 days (MTF 2018). Alcohol accounts for over 443,000 alcohol use disorders, 188,000 emergency room visits, 1,580 deaths from car crashes, 1,269 from murders, 245 from alcohol poisoning, falls, burns and drownings, and 492 from suicide (NIDA 2017)

Ask your family: Nationally 30% of high school students report having had at alcohol in the past 30 days and 13% reported having binge drunk (had 4-5 or more drinks of alcohol in a row within a couple of hours), at least once in the past 30 days. Of those who reported drinking alcohol, 40% said they obtained it by having someone give it to them. (YRBS 2017).

Concerned about a student? Due to school being closed, the Project Success Counselor is not available to meet in person, but can talk with students or parents for a referral for services. Check us out- or contact 734-277-8339. 

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