Freedom Township discusses hotspots, COVID-19 precautions for upcoming elections
Freedom Township Hall
By Claire Pajka
The Freedom Township Board meeting was held in person on June 9 with all five board members, planning commissioner Larry Lindemann, and two members of the public in attendance.
Treasurer Rudy Layher reported that May’s total ending balance is $686,143.34.
Supervisor Dale Weidmayer stated that at 6 p.m. on June 17, Freedom Township representatives will be meeting with the Southwest Washtenaw Council of Governments (SWWCOG), in part to discuss the state police and fire authority. Weidmayer went on to say that the rising bills and decreasing number of volunteers for the fire department would be discussed further at the upcoming meeting.
Chemical treatment of Pleasant Lake is planned for either Tuesday June 16, or Wednesday, June 17, weather depending. As the lake is private, only residents living on the lake received a letter from the treatment company explaining what type of chemicals are being used, though Lindemann emphasized that for public safety, swimming is prohibited for 24 hours after treatment occurs.
Planning Commission Chair Larry Lindemann stated that all members of the planning commission were present for their Zoom meeting last Tuesday to discuss pipelines and solar energy. At Consumers Energy Freedom Compressor Station, three compressors were filled and lines were purged so that they could be cool enough to work on safely, and gas was vented on June 2 and 3. Additionally, a public hearing to discuss the additional use for Stoneco is being planned, though a date has not yet been set. Lindemann stated that the commission is reviewing zoning regarding a resident leasing acreage on their property to a solar energy company. Members of the board displayed doubts regarding solar energy in the township, explaining the importance of respecting farmland, and citing their leeriness of 25-year leases to unreliable companies that may eventually claim for bankruptcy.
Treasurer Rudy Layher gave a report on the district library delegates meeting that took place on May 25. The report stated that in order to serve the roughly 100 Freedom families with school age children who have no or limited internet service, the library purchased 10 Verizon hotspots that will be available for check out once the library reopens. Though the library currently remains closed, it is making arrangements to reopen with COVID-19 precautions to meet CDC guidelines.
Clerk Valisa Bristle explained the preparation happening for the upcoming August primary election. After explaining that the state sent out absentee ballots to every resident of the township, Bristle eased fears about voter integrity by explaining how signatures on each application will be checked for authenticity. Absentee voter applications can be mailed to Bristle personally at her home or to Freedom Town Hall (1150 E Pleasant Lake Road), or can be returned to the drop-box in front of the town hall.
Bristle also explained the safety precautions being taken for the elections, such as purchasing masks, hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes, and protective shields, as well 6-foot social distancing. The board approved her request to purchase all the materials necessary to carry out the elections in compliance with county, state, and CDC regulations.
Maintenance on the town hall was approved by the board, including a new fascia board, power-washing, and possible repainting of the building exterior.
Fredonia Store, a beloved local business located at 11515 E Pleasant Lake Road, was briefly discussed before the meeting adjourned at 9:16 pm.
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