Sara Swanson

Wellness Coalition resuming planning for 9th year, calls for ideas that need funding

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The shared use trail is an example of infrastructure that received funding through the Manchester Wellness Coalition

submitted by Ray Berg, Manchester Wellness Coalition

The Manchester Wellness Coalition has restarted planning for its Year 9 Health and Wellness Plan, after the 3-month delay due to the Stay at Home Order. We continue to partner with the 5 Healthy Towns Foundation in developing a variety of programs, classes and infrastructure, wherein funding from 5HF and other sources is used to help Manchester area residents achieve four goals: move more, eat better, connect with others in healthy ways, and avoid unhealthy substances.

We are now in our 10th year of operation, and our 9th year of developing comprehensive wellness plans for the benefit of all our community. Many individual volunteers and service organizations assist with this planning, and meet monthly to both initiate new projects and track progress on ongoing programs.

We are now asking for your thoughts on any infrastructure ideas, healthy programs and activities you would like to see in our community, which will assist with our efforts to complete our Year 9 Plan by August 1. If you have an idea or developed proposal which meets one or more of the four goals outlined above, we’d like to hear from you. You can e-mail ideas to Ray Berg at, or phone 248-765-9324.

We will appreciate your input as we move forward here in Summer 2020!

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