Marsha Chartrand

Candidate Profiles for Primary Election August 4

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The Manchester Mirror contacted all of the candidates for the four township boards of Bridgewater, Freedom, Manchester and Sharon Townships, via the contact information provided on the Washtenaw County Elections web page. Following are the profiles of the candidates who chose to respond to our request for a candidate profile.

Valisa Bristle, candidate for Freedom Township Clerk.

Valisa Bristle – Incumbent Freedom Township Clerk

“Hello, my name is Valisa Bristle. I earned my undergraduate degree in Agribusiness Management from Michigan State University and worked for an agricultural retail business, as an administrative coordinator, for 8 years. I was appointed as the Freedom Township Clerk in 2012, elected in 2014 and re-elected in 2016. I am one of the Township’s three chief elected officials and am responsible for elections, township administration, records management, and financial accounting. I am very knowledgeable of the Clerk’s Office operations and am always striving to provide the Freedom Township residents the best possible service. I believe that high speed broadband is no longer a luxury and I am committed to bringing this essential utility to the residents of Freedom Township. As a member of a Centennial Farm family, I feel privileged to be raising my children, alongside my husband of 14 years, in Freedom Township and plan to do so for many years to come. I look forward to continuing to serve the citizens of Freedom Township.”


Amy Ahrens, candidate for Bridgewater Township Treasurer.

Amy Ahrens – Candidate for Bridgewater Township Treasurer 
Lifelong resident of Bridgewater Township; B.A. in Business Management from Cleary University; Husband, Roger Ahrens; Children, Lauren Riley, age 20, Senior at Eastern Michigan University and Liam Riley, age 17, Senior at Manchester High School.

“My experience and first office held within Bridgewater township dates back to 1998 when I was appointed Deputy Clerk. I served in that capacity until 2004. I also was the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) Coordinator from 2001-2002. In 2006 I was elected Bridgewater Township Trustee. In 2008 I was elected Bridgewater Township Treasurer and served until 2012. During my time on the Bridgewater Township Board of Trustees I served as a member of the Western Washtenaw Recycling Authority Board. I also served on the Bridgewater Township Planning Commission, Manchester Community Joint Planning Commission, and Bridgewater Township Election Commission.

“In 2012 I returned to the University of Michigan where I had worked years before I started my family. In 2016 until present I was appointed Deputy Treasurer for Bridgewater Township. During the past four years I have assisted our current Treasurer, Michelle McQueer, in the operations of the township and realized how much I missed being involved in Bridgewater Township. As my children have grown and are in their college and high school years I have more time to devote to the residents of Bridgewater Township. I feel I can be a great asset to serve the community in this role because of my experience and qualifications and my current position I hold, of Deputy Treasurer. By statute “the treasurer is required to receive and take charge of all funds belonging to the township which are required by law to be paid into the township treasury, and to pay over and account for the funds according to law or township board decision. The treasurer is the township’s agent for collecting taxes.” I want to contribute my talents and experience to building the infrastructure of Bridgewater Township as it moves forward into the future, while maintaining fiscal responsibility within the position of Treasurer. I look forward to working together again with the trustees of Bridgewater township as a team, all of which I have worked with successfully in the past.”

Kim Thompson, candidate for Manchester Township Treasurer.

Kim Thompson – Candidate for Manchester Township Treasurer

“Hello, my name is Kim Thompson and I am running for Manchester Township Treasurer on the Republican ticket.

“I graduated from Central Michigan University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Administration. I am a SHRM-CP certified HR Specialist working part time at Rainbow Rehabilitation. We moved into our farmhouse in Manchester Township in the summer of 1988, shortly after we were married. We raised our children in the Manchester Community Schools. I was fortunate to be able to actively volunteer throughout their school years, beginning with the Manchester Co-op Preschool, and ending as a board member of the Manchester Athletic Boosters for nine years. Kevin graduated from MHS in 2012, from Kettering University in 2016, and will be pursuing a MBA from Michigan State University this fall. Sarah graduated from MHS in 2016 and is attending University of Findlay, earning her Doctor of Pharmacy degree in 2023.

“My husband, Dave, has been a member of the Manchester Township Planning commission for 8+ years, now serving as Vice Chair. My father in law, Bob Thompson, is on the joint planning commission between Manchester Township and the Village. For the past year and half, I have worked part time in the Township office assisting residents, including working several past elections.

“Being receptive to the needs of Township residents would be my highest priority. As your treasurer, transparency and accuracy would also be emphasized. Helping to restore the working relationship between the Township and Village is another important issue before us. I look forward to working together to make Manchester a better place for all of us. Thank you for consideration.”

Lisa Moutinho, candidate for Manchester Township Trustee

Lisa Moutinho – Incumbent Manchester Township Trustee

Serving as a Manchester Township Trustee for the past 4 years has been both a privilege and an honor. Our residents are the heart of this community, and I’m proud to have represented you. We’ve worked together to maintain our small-town atmosphere, just as we’ve worked to address our challenges. For example, early in my term, citizens from our rural areas asked for high speed internet options, and since then, I’ve been working to find solutions that deliver digital accessibility to everyone in Manchester. COVID-19 has illustrated the dire need that currently exists in areas like ours, and as a member of the  Countywide Broadband Task Force, I can assure you the efforts on this issue are ongoing and in earnest. With the support of our Board of Commissioners, we’ve developed a diverse group that is working collaboratively to  achieve countywide equity, and I’m optimistic a solution is on the horizon.

“Many of our residents have brought road and public safety issues to our attention as well, and our entire board has worked together to ensure Manchester Township offers a safe, comfortable, high quality of life. Additionally, I’ve been closely monitoring the Village-to-City initiative our Village of Manchester leaders are considering, and while they certainly have the right to secede from the township and stand on their own, I’d much prefer to have one, stronger Manchester than two divided communities; I am supportive of options that serve to help with the sustainability of our entire township, and yield a Manchester that is thriving.

“The past four years have been humbling, and the lessons I’ve learned have offered immense value. There’s more work to be done though – in order for a community to prosper, it needs a strong foundation that includes its residents, an excellent school system, community based organizations, and businesses that support us as much as we support them. Manchester has all of these things, and we need to keep working together to make it even better. I look forward to helping by serving this amazing community as a Manchester Township Trustee for another 4 years. Thank you for your support.

“Your thoughts and ideas are important to me; please contact me at”

Laurie Carey, candidate for Manchester Township Treasurer.

Laurie Carey – Incumbent Manchester Township Treasurer

Current member and Vice Chair for the Washtenaw County Treasurers Association and Western Washtenaw Recycle Authority board member.

“Hello Manchester! When asked why I am running to retain my position as Treasurer I have only one simple answer, I love what I do!  As  current Treasurer and past Deputy Treasurer, I have been serving the Manchester community and residents for 7 years. My duties as Treasurer  include the use of governmental accounting practices for the billing, collection and distribution of tax dollars and the protection and management of Township funds. During my time here I have streamlined the tax collection process by making online credit card payments available, enabled an automated payment system for collection of escrow funds, and developed a system to batch multi parcel owners saving hundreds of dollars in postage each season. I have worked with the County to secure services for homeowners in fear of losing their homes and have established payment options at a local level for those needing alternative solutions for tax payments.

“I am an independent, strong voice on our township board, not just protecting your tax dollars, but using my votes as your voice for the issues that we face as a community. My door has always been open to either listen to the concerns of residents, or hear and ask your opinions while considering challenges presented to the board. Some of the issues that I continue to promote include exploring solutions for Township police services, supporting the County and State in their efforts to bring affordable internet access for our entire community, assist  the initiatives being made with the Washtenaw County Parks for the Border to Border Trail, to protect and promote our farming resources, find transportation solutions for residents having limited mobility to have access to services and opportunities that may lay across our township lines, to stay active with the recycle authority and, I would really like to see a dog park here.

“Recovering from this pandemic as a community is what faces us all moving forward, and it will present a new set of challenges that may not be defined or identified yet. Through these uncharted pathways I plan to continue to be an advocate for our community and hope to protect, preserve, and promote all that Manchester has to offer.

“As I have said before, not everyone is happy to come in and pay their taxes but my goal continues to be that they at least leave with a smile. Thank you for your continued support as Manchester Treasurer.”

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