Manchester Township discusses fire, events, communications at July 14 meeting

Manchester Township Hall
Submitted by Sybil Kolon, Community Reporter Corps
The July 14 Manchester Township board meeting was held in person for the first time since March. All board members were present, as well as fire chief Bill Scully. Four other members of the public were present, including Manchester Village President, Pat Vailliencourt.
Residents will notice a new telephone system when they call the township offices. The old system was destroyed in the crash at the hall in May. The new system is a significant upgrade, which should help getting routed to the right person.
Fire chief Scully reported the department responded to 44 calls in June. More burn permits are being requested with the new online form. The new phone system sends the burn permit information directly to officers, making it easily available should problems arise. Burn permits are also still issued by phone. A total of 52 burn permits were issued in June, 23 using the online form. There is still a shortage of daytime fire fighters.
A zoning administrator’s report was distributed but not discussed.
Trustee John Seefeld, the board’s liaison to the Planning Commission, informed the board that the consultant for the commission is working on setting up a joint meeting with the township board. Items of discussion include discussion of event barns/agricultural tourism and the impact of the Michigan Supreme Court’s ruling on short-term rentals on township issues.
Supervisor Gene DeRossett reported being contacted by county commissioner, Shannon Beeman, regarding concerns surrounding a large party held recently. DeRossett also attended the Southwest Washtenaw Council of Governments meeting held last month at the Sharon Township Hall, which was well attended. After discussion about the fire department, it was agreed that everyone is satisfied with the fire department’s activities and responses. Trustee Lisa Moutinho reported that the board’s committee on the operations of the fire department had just met and determined there is no need to explore other organizational options at this time.
Treasurer Laurie Carey, the board’s representative to the Western Washtenaw Recycling Authority, reported that furniture and other inappropriate materials were being left in and around the recycling bins on West Main Street. This coincided with the stay at home order, when many people were cleaning house. Carey explained that the WWRA has to budget $50,000 per year to cover disposal of trash. This has a significant impact on the ability of the authority to efficiently utilize the millage that fund its operations. Residents are asked to comply with the recycling guidelines and to help monitor the recycling bin area.
Due to current budget constraints, the board adopted a budget in June for the fiscal year starting July 1, that does not include any increase in wages for township employees. The board reappointed the same attorney, auditor, banks, and newspaper of record.
Trustee Ron Milkey reported on an estimate to upgrade the landscaping damaged by the accident in May that will not be covered by the insurance. It was decided that the work should be put out to bid.
Milkey also asked that the communication policy that was proposed earlier in the year should be brought up again, to assist in the development of policies and procedures to guide the board’s decisions. With the resignation of Barb Fuller from the Washtenaw County Parks & Recreation Commission, Milkey suggested a local person be recruited to represent our area.
DeRossett renewed a request to contribute to a book of aerial photos of Washtenaw County by Dale Fisher that has now been published. Fisher did include the Manchester area, even though he had not received contributions to do so. The board had previously voted to contribute $800, and renewed that commitment. DeRossett said he will ask surrounding communities to contribute a similar amount.
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