Marsha Chartrand

Primary Election set for August 4

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Manchester area voters are reminded that the state primary election, which also selects candidates who will run for township offices in the November general election, will be held on Tuesday, August 4. Polls are open from 7 am to 8 pm and voting is held at your local township office (for those who live in the village, the polls are held at the Manchester Township office, 275 S. Macomb Street.

If you are filling out an absentee ballot, you must assure it is received by the township clerk by the date of the election. If you are concerned that the time is too close to place the ballot in the mail, or you are unsure about how much postage is required to mail the ballot, you may decide to drop off your absentee ballot at your township office. Most townships have a drop box for you to place your ballot and all township offices have hours posted when you can deliver the ballot in person.

The Mirror contacted all twenty-one candidates for Manchester area board seats (as listed on the Washtenaw County website) on July 10. The Mirror requested that they provide a candidate statement for our July 20 edition. Six candidates responded by the deadline and their responses were included in last week’s issue. Fifteen candidates did not reply. It was brought to our attention by one candidate that the email was located in their spam folder after the publication. Other candidates chose not to reply.

The Mirror appreciates all of those candidates who took the time and thought to complete their candidate profiles. The profiles may be seen here.

The official roster of candidates for each township, as found on the county elections website, are as follows:

Bridgewater Township: 

Clerk: Michelle McQueer (R) new candidate
Supervisor: Laurie Fromhart (R) incumbent
Treasurer: Amy Ahrens (R) new candidate
Trustees: R. Geoffrey Oliver (R) incumbent
David C. Faust (R) incumbent

Freedom Township: 

Clerk: Valisa L. Bristle (R) incumbent
Supervisor: Larry Lindemann (R) new candidate
Treasurer: Rudy T. Layher (R) incumbent
Trustees: Dennis E. Huehl (R) incumbent
Daniel Schaible (R) incumbent

Manchester Township:

Clerk: Danell Steele Proctor (R) incumbent
Supervisor: Ronald A. Milkey (R) new candidate
Treasurer: Laurie Carey (D) incumbent
Kim Thompson (R) new candidate
Trustees:  John Seefeld (D) incumbent
Michael Fusilier (R) incumbent, appointed
Lisa Moutinho (R) incumbent

A fourth trustee position in Manchester Township has no candidate filed.

Sharon Township: 

Clerk: Kimberley A. Potocki (R) incumbent, appointed
Supervisor: Peter Psarouthakis (R) incumbent
Stephen Alber (R) new candidate
Treasurer: No candidate filed
Trustees: Chelsea Mikel (R)

A second trustee position in Sharon Township has no candidate filed.



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