Cisco — Home and safe at last

Cisco the dog is back at home with his family–Henry, Beverly, Wesley, and Lain Earhart.
Thanks to the many neighbors, friends, and complete strangers who took an interest and continued to help search for Cisco, the Earhart family’s lost dog, he is home with his family and readjusting to his “new” life.
“We couldn’t have done this without the help and generosity of so many folks in the surrounding areas,” said Beverly Earhart last week after Cisco returned home. “So many people have spread the word, offered to search, left food out for Cisco, and let us use their land for cameras and feeding stations! Your generosity will forever touch my heart.”
Describing the family as “over the moon with happiness,” Beverly said it was still a surreal feeling to realize that after 36 days, their family dog is back at home where he belongs. “I keep having to pinch myself,” she added.
Cisco was spotted at the Leonard Preserve two weeks ago today (Monday, July 20), four weeks after he escaped from the emergency exit in the Earhart’s camper, on their way back home from a camping weekend at Apple Creek Campground near Grass Lake.
“After (the sighting at Leonard Preserve), we had some leads here or there, and then over the weekend we really began to see him,” Beverly explained. “There were sightings along Schleweis, Boetger, and Logan roads all weekend. The biggest one was Saturday evening; it was the lead that led me right to him and I SAW him from a distance, with my own eyes after 34 days. The person we were working with was able to pinpoint a spot to place a live trap; once set, she had him in less than 24 hours.”
Cisco was secured on Logan Road, less than two miles from home. His family won’t ever know where or why he jumped, or what adventures he experienced along the way. All they know is that they are forever grateful to every single person who helped by making signs, dropping flyers, checked on leads, and supported them even in their moments of greatest sadness, when they feared they might have lost their family member forever. Beverly credits her friend Sharon, who helps in animal rescue cases, with being by their side for the full five weeks–keeping them “pushing through the ordeal, supporting us, and giving advice.”
After the first couple of days at home, Beverly reported that Cisco is “doing great! The first 24 hours he mostly slept. Took him a bit to not sleep with one eye open. I can’t imagine, he has been fighting to survive for five weeks. But eventually he let himself fall into puppy dreamland. That was a good feeling. He was home, safe, and felt secure. After some rest, his spirit is definitely back! I swear he is smiling all the time now. I wish I could have five minutes to talk to him about his adventure. But we will never know; it is his secret. I’m so proud of him and my heart is full!!!”
“Life throws challenges at us every day,” she added. “Some small, some big, and some that feel so overwhelming a solution feels unreachable. This was one of those challenges. I have learned a lot of things on this journey; about life, myself, and humanity. This could have ended in a ton of different ways, but it ended in one of the best ways possible. I’m incredibly touched by the kindness and love that everyone has shared with us. It feels good to know that there are so many wonderful people out there; people who are willing to help a complete stranger reunite with their dog. Hope, kindness, love, and patience go a long way in this world.”
And that’s a lesson our world needs a lot more of these days.
A sweet, soulful, 10-year-old dog has given our community that assignment over the past six weeks … will we heed the message?

Cisco–sleeping with one eye open after his return home.
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