2020 State Primary Election results
The Manchester area voted in the state primary today on county proposals, county positions including sheriff, a circuit court judge, a Republican candidate for State legislature, and a Republican candidate for county commissioner. Freedom township voted on a road millage and Sharon Township voted on a supervisor.
While it was unclear going into the election, what the effect of absentee ballots being available to everyone and the COVID-19 pandemic would have on voter turnout, turnout was up everywhere in the Manchester area. Bridgewater had 37.88% turnout. Freedom Township had 43.46% turnout. Sharon Township had 41.85% turnout. Manchester Village had 36.29%. And Manchester Township had 38.06% turnout. Voter turnout in all four townships for the 2016 state primary was between 20% and 25%.
In Freedom Township, the Road Maintenance Millage passed 73.50% to 26.50%.
In Sharon Township, incumbent Peter Psarouthakis defeated challenger Stephen Alber 69.94% to 30.06% in the supervisor race. Psarouthakis will face no Democratic opponent in November.
In the District 3 Republican race for County Commissioner, Ken Siler defeated Jacob Ehrman 54.79% to 45.11%. Siler will face incumbent Democrat Shannon Beeman in November. Siler won in all Manchester area precincts except in Manchester precinct 2 (township) where Ehrman and Siler tied with 140 votes each.
In the Republican race for State Rep District 52 Greg Marquis defeated Melanie Weidmayer 53.68% to 46.20%. Marquis will face incumbent Democrat Donna Lasinski in November. Weidmayer won in all Manchester area precincts.
At the county level three positions were contended. Eli Savit 50.91% defeated Hugo Mack 6.44% and Arianne Slay 42.57% for Democratic County Prosecution Attorney. He will face no Republican opposition in November. Incumbent Jerry L. Clayton 73.27% defeated Ken Magee 26.48% for County Sheriff. Clayton will face no Republican opposition in November. Incumbent Democratic candidate Lawerence Kestenbaum 64.68% defeated Pecola Lewis 15.85% and Doristeen Taylor 19.08% for County Clerk Register. Kestenbaum will face Republican Gary Greiner in November.
Tracy E. Van den Bergh 35.60% defeated Amy Reiser 30.29% and Nick Roumel 33.84% for circuit court judge.
The Non-Motorized Proposal passed county-wide 74.80% yes to 25.20% no. The County Conservation District Millage Proposal passed county-wide 74.48% yes to 25.52% no. Both County proposals passed in all Manchester area precincts.
Note: percentages given are the most accurate available at the time of publication but may change when the outstanding precincts are fully counted.
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