Manchester Township discusses building repairs and more in conference call meeting
by Sybil Kolon, Community Reporter Corps
The August 11 township board meeting returned to the conference call format due to the continuing coronavirus pandemic. All board members were present, as well as fire chief Bill Scully. A few other members of the public were present, including Village Council President Pat Vailliencourt.
Fire chief Scully reported the fire department responded to 42 calls in July. There is still a shortage of daytime fire fighters.
The zoning administrator’s report for July was briefly discussed. Nine permits were issued. The zoning administrator, Carl Macomber, will be requested to attend future meetings.
Trustee John Seefeld, the board’s liaison to the planning commission, briefly discussed the recent meeting. There are several planning issues that the planning commission needs input from the board on. A joint meeting with the township board has been set for September 3 at 7:00 pm.
Supervisor Gene DeRossett reported that the Southwest Washtenaw Council of Governments will meet on Aug. 26, 7:00 pm at the Freedom township hall. He also reported that during the pop-up COVID-19 testing in Manchester a few weeks ago, only one person from the Manchester-area and four other people from Washtenaw county had tested positive, out of 400 people. Our area continues to show a low infection rate. The county road commission bond proposal passed. DeRossett has met with road commissioner Doug Fuller and the Manchester area will have several projects using those funds.
It was noted that the township offices and the conference room are now back in use after damage to the building last May had been repaired.
The board approved an estimate for removal of a multi-stemmed, rotten tree at the Reynolds Cemetery on Ely Road for $1,050. Eventually these tree trunks would fall and damage gravestones. The cost of planting a new tree will be looked into for future approval.
The board approved payment of $5,050 to cover the township’s share of drainage improvements to a road at Round Lake that has been washing out for years.
Short term rentals were on the agenda under new business, regarding correspondence the board received recently. There was no discussion of the issue other than an agreement that more information is needed from township attorney William Fahey. A meeting will be scheduled before the next board meeting.
Clerk Danell Proctor reported that the election on Aug. 4 went smoothly, with many absentee ballots.
The board indicated a preference for meeting in person for future meetings, if possible. Proctor noted the ten-person limit for indoor meetings is still in effect.
Trustee Ron Milkey reported that building repairs are mostly complete. Another quote had been received from the same landscaper to cover only the area damaged by the accident. It was pointed out that the insurance adjustor had initially indicated the damage to the landscaping would be covered. The quote was approved so the work can be done more quickly.
Trustee Lisa Moutinho provided background on the proposed communication policy she had drafted last March. Some modifications were discussed. A new version will be provided for the next board meeting.
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