Health survey shows Manchester has more marijuana usage & less access to fresh produce than surrounding communities
This Spring, the 5 Healthy Towns Foundation (5HF) conducted a health survey of residents of Manchester, Chelsea, Stockbridge, Grass Lake and Dexter. They conducted a similar survey five years ago over the phone. While the survey resulted in interesting changes between the Manchester results from five years ago and the present, including a 48% decrease in the percentage of heavy drinkers, a 42.3% decrease in binge drinking in the preceding 30 days, and that 82% of Manchester respondents were in at least good mental health even during a pandemic, the survey also surfaced some notable results comparing Manchester to the other 5 Healthy Towns communities.
This year the survey ran between March 30th and May 12th and was completely online. Manchester contributed 519 responses to the Survey, about 20% of the aggregate 5 Healthy Towns. This was a 601% change from the number of respondents five years ago when the survey was conducted over the phone and the greatest expansion of any of the 5HT communities this year. Joshua Ellis Tucker conducted the survey analyses as the 2020 intern for 5HF.
While the overall usage is low, about 1 in 10, Manchester respondents most frequently reported marijuana and related product use of any 5 Healthy Towns community. Additionally, Manchester’s marijuana usage is statistically significantly greater than the 5 Healthy Towns average.
Of all of the communities, Manchester has the smallest proportion of respondents who report easy access to fresh produce, with just 3 in 10 reporting no limitation by distance. Compared to the the 5 Healthy Towns as a whole, in which 63% have easy access to fresh produce, Manchester’s share of respondents with the same level of access is statistically significant smaller. Likewise, the share of Manchester respondents who report distance as always or usually a barrier is 36%, the largest of any community.
On the positive side, Manchester has the largest proportion of tobacco and marijuana users who want to quit of all of the communities. Almost half of tobacco or related product users in Manchester want to try quitting and 8.7% of marijuana product users say the same.
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