Marsha Chartrand

No Internet? No problem! Check out a library mobile hotspot

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submitted by Quintessa Gallinat, Manchester District Library

For library patrons who may be struggling with internet access, the Manchester District Library has a new solution. In addition to providing free 24/7 internet access outside the Village building, patrons can now check out a mobile hotspot to access the internet at home.

Not sure what a mobile hotspot is? A mobile hotspot is a small portable device you can use to connect computers and mobile devices to the internet. MDL hotspots can connect up to 15 devices and have a connection range of 75-100 feet.

The MDL provides not only the hotspot hardware, but also the broadband cellular service required to provide high-speed secure coverage with unlimited data. If you have a Wi-Fi enabled computer, laptop, Chromebook, tablet, or smartphone, no additional hardware and no paid services are needed to use an MDL hotspot.

Connecting to the mobile hotspot is as easy as joining any Wi-Fi network; simple step-by-step set-up instructions are included with the device.

Hotspots can be checked out from the circulation desk by any library patron over the age of 18 whose MDL account is in good standing. The check out period is 1 week and, due to extremely high demand, renewals and holds are not available at this time.

MDL staff recommends calling (734) 428-8045 to verify there is a device available before visiting. A contract is required for checkout, so an appointment for in-person service is also recommended. Current library hours are Monday through Friday, 11 am to 5 pm and Saturday 10 am to 2 pm.

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