Marsha Chartrand

Wellness centers can open this week!

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The Manchester Wellness Center will re-open September 9, with its regular hours.

It has been a long wait, and the “COVID-15” may be turning into the “COVID-20” … or more … for some people who have been unable to work out as they normally have since the state closed down fitness centers and gyms in the lower peninsula in mid-March.

But, as of Wednesday, Sept. 9, the Manchester Wellness Center (MWC) will reopen with its normal hours: from 6 am to 1 pm and 3:30-7:30 pm each Monday through Thursday; Fridays 6 am to 1 pm, and Saturdays 7 am to noon. The center is closed on Sundays.

“We are working on extending our hours for the future,” says Shannon Cajic, who was newly named director of the MWC shortly before it was closed. “But right now we wanted to open with our regular hours while we work on the new protocols and cleaning.”

The capacity at gyms and wellness centers is currently limited to 25 percent, which in the case of MWC is a total of 17 people in the building at one time, including staff. “We usually have two staff members on duty at all times,” Cajic said, “so that will allow us to have 15 members at a time. I feel like we get traffic throughout the day, and I don’t think that’ll be a huge issue–at least that’s what we are hoping.”

Just before the closure of the center in March, the it was announced that Manchester Community Schools would take over management from the 5 Healthy Towns Foundation and while the official transition was scheduled for April 1, that has obviously been delayed. When members return to the Wellness Center, they will be asked to sign a revised membership agreement, which will reflect the only real changes to the way things have been going all along.

Equipment has been cleaned and relocated for appropriate social distancing and all normal COVID-19 precautions apply, including the wearing of masks by everyone, at all times.

“Wearing a mask while working out may not be optimal for some people, but that is the rules and we want to be able to be open for our members,” Cajic said. “We are asking everyone to comply.”

One item that has not yet been resolved and may not be entirely resolved before opening, is the question of group exercise classes. These classes may be delayed while Cajic and the instructors meet and try to work out the logistics of making that happen. “We will release that information when we know for sure,” she said.

The Mirror also reached out to The Distance, another exercise facility in downtown Manchester, but owner Sarah Andrews did not respond in time to meet the publication deadline. The Distance has been holding socially-distanced fitness classes outdoors, as have other facilities in southeastern Michigan, to be able to continue their operations this summer.

The Wellness Center is located behind Riverside Intermediate School at 710 E. Main St.

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