Freedom Township officials, Rep. Donna Lasinski discuss local issues

State Rep. Donna Lasinski (D-52) speaks to Freedom Township residents at the PLPOA meeting Sunday afternoon.
submitted by Carol Westfall
On a beautiful Sunday afternoon, September 13, more than 40 area residents turned out for the Pleasant Lake Property Owners (PLPOA) annual meeting held on the lawn of Freedom Township Hall.
Representative Donna Lasinski (D-52) and other local officials discussed lake and Freedom Township developments. Rep. Lasinski relayed her efforts to secure improved broadband services for rural areas, as well as internet company resistance toward making capital investments in low-density areas like Freedom Township. She commented that local government and residents must work together to develop a broadband plan that meets their specific needs and local requirements.
Lasinski also focused on her efforts to expand safety planning and warning systems such as sirens, phone, and electronic alerts. She noted that she’s been working for two years on securing pipeline grants to fund much-needed warning systems and feels they’re “getting close” to achieving some results on that. Since Freedom Township is the home to seven pipelines and a major Consumers Energy (CMS) gas pressurization plant – the largest concentration of pipelines in Michigan – township residents are especially concerned for their safety. Residents recently delivered over 140 letters to township officials, asking for increased efforts to improve safety and warning systems.
The Freedom Township Planning Commission’s Safety Committee has developed a safety action plan which residents would like to see further implemented. Those resident letters also asked township officials to take a more active role in securing and improving high speed internet systems and communications within the township. Valisa Bristle, Freedom Township Clerk, has been the township’s representative on the Washtenaw County High Speed Internet Task Force for more than a year.
Ms. Bristle talked about her contributions toward developing cost-effective internet solutions, her thoughts on safety requirements and planning, and the upcoming election in Freedom Township. She noted that there have been increased requests for absentee ballots and that once residents receive their ballots they should be promptly completed, mailed in, or dropped off at the Freedom Township Hall’s locked drop box, where ballots will be picked up daily. She also noted that at its August meeting, the Board approved adding a hot spot at the town hall to support some local internet needs.
Freedom Township Planning Commission Chair, Larry Lindemann (and candidate for township supervisor), explained that he has been involved with the township since 1988, having served as Enforcement Officer, Zoning Administrator and now, Planning Commission Chair. He answered many questions from residents about local policies and government actions, including internet options and a near-term update to the Washtenaw County Everbright safety alert system. Everbright will be segmenting Pleasant Lake and other Freedom Township residents located in the vicinity of area pipelines and CMS into a system that would notify such residents of any communications or safety issues that might affect them. Lindemann emphasized his support for the township’s Safety Committee and noted that he works closely with CMS, the Fire Department and first responders, and Washtenaw County Emergency personnel to assure a coordinated safety effort in the township.
Following the speaker presentations, discussion, and Q&A sessions, the PLPOA held its annual business meeting and updated attendees on lake treatment status and the upcoming PLPOA yard sale at the township hall on October 2-3.

Freedom Township Clerk Valisa Bristle addresses the group at Sunday’s PLPOA meeting.
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