Manchester Township votes to file lawsuit

Manchester Township Hall
by Sybil Kolon, Community Reporter Corps
The September 8 township board meeting was held in person at the Carr Park pavilion. All board members were present, as well as fire chief Bill Scully and zoning administrator Carl Macomber. A few other members of the public were present, including Village President Pat Vailliencourt.
The minutes of the regular meeting of Aug. 11 were approved, as well as the minutes of a special meeting held on Aug. 22, at which Carl Werner was appointed to the zoning board of appeals.
Fire Chief Scully reported the fire department responded to 44 calls in August; 61 burn permits were issued. Zoning administrator Macomber reported issuing permits for two pole barns and one deck. Two variances were approved by the zoning board of appeals.
Trustee Seefeld mentioned the joint meeting held last week with the township board and planning commission. There was a good exchange of ideas. The planning commission received direction from the board on some key issues of concern and will be following up in future meetings.
Trustee Milkey reported the landscaping after the accident in May has been completed. There are a few minor items to be completed to complete the restoration of the building.
There was some discussion of the recent work done by the road commission on Ely, Sharon Hollow, and Wellwood roads. A large volume of gravel was added and ditching was done to improve drainage, resulting in a somewhat narrower driving surface. It was agreed that road conditions are generally improved.
The board went into closed session for nearly half an hour (at an adjacent pavilion) to discuss correspondence received from township attorney William Fahey regarding short term rental uses at the island in Iron Creek Mill Pond. Upon returning, a motion was made and passed by all board members to affirm the board’s prior decision of Oct. 10, 2017, to commence enforcement proceedings by filing a lawsuit for zoning and building code violations on AshKay Island, including the operation of a short term rental, and joining the current private litigation which is now in the court of appeals.
Clerk Proctor reported that the township is moving through the process to officially take over ownership of the Oak Grove Cemetery. Information will be submitted to the state to finalize the transfer from the existing cemetery board.
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