Coming soon: Improvements to Shared-Use Trail

The asphalt section of the shared-use trail that passes through Chi-Bro Park is the most heavily used segment of the trail.
submitted by Ray Berg, Manchester DDA
Users of the Manchester Shared-Use Trail will be seeing some amenities and improvements being completed in the near future. The Manchester Downtown Development Authority received grant funding from Destination Ann Arbor through the Community Tourism Action Plan (CTAP), to install trail equipment and make other upgrades. These grant funds reflect the increased use of the trail for walking and biking as the public has become more aware of the trail and its natural setting, and also by more users seeking outdoor exercise options as the pandemic shut-in orders came into effect.
The following improvements were suggested by members of regular walking groups and the public, and were recently approved by the DDA, Parks Commission, and Village Council:
- Installation of seating benches at four locations spaced along the 1.5 mile trail length:
- Intersection of the trail at Main Street east of Chi-Bro Park
- Intersection of the trail at Hibbard Street
- Intersection of the trail at Washington Street
- Near the River Raisin at trail junction with Union Street
- Installation of trail mileage markers, spaced at 0.2 mile intervals along the trail, and measured from the west end of the trail moving toward the east end.
- Installation of a “trail ends” sign at the west end of the trail, to eliminate current uncertainty on the trail end point near the Leonard Preserve.
- Installation of two dog waste bag stations, which will dispense plastic dog waste bags to assist with trail cleanup by dog walkers.
- Compacting of two segments of the stone portion of the trail, where the stone is still somewhat loose underfoot. Various techniques are being studied.
The benches are a cedar-colored, recycled plastic material construction, similar to those located in other village parks. The Village will offer bench sponsorships by donation, with recognition engraved on the bench. Details will be released soon.
In addition, the DDA will complete installation of signage, display cases, and brochure holders on the two wooden trail kiosks, in Chi-Bro Park and at the Union Street junction with the trail. The display cases will hold posters and other information about the trail and park activities, and the brochures will highlight the trail route, historic and scenic walking tours in Manchester, and our Tour de Barn Quilts and Tour de Birds.
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