Acorn Farmers’ Market & Café is officially “growing”

The corn-o-meter at Acorn reached the top — and exceeded it, thanks to the Manchester community.
submitted by Laura Wohlgemuth, Acorn Farmers’ Market & Café Board
Yay! You did it!
The “Grow Acorn Farmers’ Market & Café” campaign was a HUGE success. We were able to raise $55,880 and MEDC (Michigan Economic Development Corporation) matched $50,000, bringing our grand total of our fundraiser to $105,880!
A huge thank you to the Manchester community, as well as the many others who donated to our cause because of their love of Manchester and the people who live here.
While there were several large donations, both from individuals and other local nonprofit organizations, most of our donations were just small individual donations from our generous community. Each one of you had a huge part in getting Acorn to its goal. Thank you!
How will Acorn Farmers’ Market & Café differ from Acorn Farmers’ Market that we are currently operating?
Currently, Acorn Farmers’ Market is only able to be open Thursdays and Fridays from 3 – 6 pm and Saturdays 10 am – 4 pm. When Acorn Farmers’ Market & Café officially opens, the Manchester community will have a healthy food store open 70 hours or more a week with an even larger variety of not only local foods, but also fresh, prepared foods featuring local products from our Café!
Currently Acorn Farmers’ Market is able to help many local farmers as well as other local businesses to keep their business progressing and growing especially during these trying times. We’ve had many express they don’t think they could’ve survived without the help of Acorn this year.
When Acorn Farmers’ Market & Café officially opens, we will be able to broaden our supply chain to help even more farmers and local businesses sell their products! Currently Acorn Farmers’ Market is able to host a few events to encourage healthy living, as well as exciting, fun events for the entire family — including live music.
When Acorn Farmers’ Market & Café officially opens, we will be able to broaden our event list to include cooking classes, health education, art classes, family events, and much more variety of fun and informative events and programs. Acorn will also have a community space that will be usable for other organizations to gather as well. Acorn will be the place for community gatherings and fun!
Thank you again, for all of your generosity and sacrifices to make Acorn Farmers’ Market & Café a reality … Stay tuned for updates on our progress with renovations and our grand opening date.
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