Worth Repeating is making a difference in the community

Worth Repeating’s ever-changing window displays are a credit to volunteer efforts!
submitted by JoAnn Okey
Worth Repeating was organized earlier this year, with the goal of adding support to our community. And the response of volunteers and donors has been amazing.
Getting our store set up and going, stopping for the stay at home order, and restarting or storefront has been an exercise in patience and delayed gratification. The coronavirus has slowed all retail stores, but persistence has paid off. We have finally been financially stable enough to able to make some substantial contributions to our community.
We began by making “in kind” merchandise donations to the Lion’s Club Back to School Project and Christmas Kid’s Shopping Projects. This summer, we were able to support the Acorn Farmers Market fund drive at the $1,000 level.
We also joined the local retail shops as members of the Chamber of Commerce. Early on we set the goal of helping to make our Main Street more welcoming and we join the Chamber with that goal in mind. Our $1,000 contribution to the Chamber of Commerce Christmas lights fund, will brighten the holidays for us all.
We want to thank everyone who works at, or volunteered to work at, Worth Repeating for making our mission a reality. The Manchester community has responded to our request for donations with unbelievable generosity and we are so grateful.
Last, but not least, we must express our appreciation to the shoppers who come to appreciate the values we are able to offer.
Attention all Manchester Bargain Hunters
Shopping at Worth Repeating offers a great bargain every day, but some days are even better than others.
The Last Saturday: On the final Saturday of each month items are sold at 25% off the regular price. Mark your calendar.
Oldies, But Goodies: A 50% off sale of white tagged clothing and household items that need to be re-homed will start at the beginning of this month.
As you are cleaning your closets and shelves, please keep Worth Repeating in mind … the store is now looking to accept:
- fall and winter clothes
- holiday decorations
- Household goods
- toys
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