Washtenaw Conservation District asks for input from residents of the Upper-Middle portion of the Huron River Watershed
The Washtenaw Conservation District (WCCD ) announced last week that a new Watershed Management Plan is being proposed by the Huron River Watershed Council (HRWC) for the Upper-Middle portion of the Huron River. The Upper-Middle potion of the watershed includes the northeast section of Sharon Township and northern half of Freedom Township, including Pleasant Lake.
WCCD is asking farmers and landowners who reside or rent ground within the watershed to complete a short survey. Their thoughts and opinions which will help inform HRWC, WCCD and other partners as to the concerns people face regarding to the watershed.
Here is a link to to survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfzLLA11KIlr3pH4Dn7bQQF7-e4yUQq6GDP40ZdtN1zc41blQ/viewform The survey is completely anonymous, and results will be aggregated when presented.
If you are unsure if you reside in this area you can check by going to the following map: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/StoryMapBasic/index.html?appid=08955bac49014b4f9055112ee20004e6 clicking the search option, and entering your address.
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