More than half of the total number that voted in 2016 have already voted absentee in Manchester Township, fewer in other townships
As of Friday, the state reports that more than 2.6 million Michiganders have already voted in the upcoming election.
While absentee voter numbers are up everywhere in Washtenaw, they are not evenly spread across the county. According to MLive, while Ann Arbor has had 42% of their registered voters (or 51% with inactive voters excluded) vote absentee already, the numbers are lower in the Manchester area.
Bridge Magazine analysts found that across the state, the greatest percentage of absentee voters are found in counties that voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016, although counties with large populations, regardless of political leanings–like Kent and Macomb which both supported Trump in 2016–also have high percentages of voters who’ve already voted absentee.
This trend holds up even in the Manchester area, with the highest percentage of those who’ve voted absentee already this year in Manchester Township, the only Manchester area township with a precinct that supported Clinton in 2016.
Bridgewater Township:
According to MLive, as of Friday, 30% of Bridgewater Township’s voters (34% with inactive voters excluded) have already voted absentee. Even using the 34% number, this is less than half of 76% voter turnout rate of 2016. Bridgewater Township supported Trump in 2016.
Freedom Township:
According to MLive, as of Friday, 30% of Freedom Township’s voters (33% with inactive voters excluded) have already voted absentee. Even using the 33% number, this is less than half of 76% voter turnout rate of 2016. Freedom Township supported Trump in 2016.
Sharon Township:
According to MLive, as of Friday, 31% of Sharon Township’s voters (35% with inactive voters excluded) have already voted absentee. Even using the 35% number, this is less than half of 75% voter turnout rate of 2016. Sharon Township supported Trump in 2016.
Manchester Township:
According to MLive, as of Friday, 37% of Manchester Township’s voters (43% with inactive voters excluded) have already voted absentee. Manchester Township is the only Township in the Manchester area in which more than half of the percentage of voters that turned out in 2016–71%–has already voted. Manchester Township has two precincts and while precinct 2 supported Trump in 2016, precinct 1 (the Village) supported Clinton.
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