Manchester Township board prepares for changes ahead

Manchester Township Hall
By Sybil Kolon, Community Reporter Corps
The November 10 township board meeting was held in person at the Manchester Township Hall. All board members other than treasurer Laurie Carey were present. Fire chief Bill Scully and zoning administrator Carl Macomber were present. Kim Thompson, the newly-elected treasurer, and Krista Jarvis, an incoming trustee, also were present.
Fire chief Bill Scully provided the monthly report. There were 39 calls for service in October, including two fires and 22 EMS responses. 66 burn permits were issued. The rarely used ambulance that had been discussed last month was returned.
In October, Macomber reported issuing three building permits for homes–one for a pole barn and one for a solar installation. He also followed up on a barking dog complaint on Lakeview Drive.
Trustee John Seefeld reported the planning commission meeting would be held on Thursday. That meeting was preceded by a joint meeting between the township board and the planning commission, starting at 7 pm (a report of that meeting can be found here).
The water heater for the fire department needs to be replaced. Trustee Ron Milkey reported on receipt of three bids to replace it. The decision was made to go with the higher bid for an on-demand heater, which should save money on electricity since there is relatively low usage of water. Hot water is needed for washing the fire fighters’ turn-out gear, in addition to other normal uses.
Supervisor Gene DeRossett reported that the village had filed its petition to become a city to the state boundary commission. At least two public hearings will be held during the process, which could take 6-12 months. Several board members expressed a desire for the village to remain part of the township, or to consolidate operations into one government. The decision will be made by village residents.
At the end of the meeting DeRossett thanked everyone personally for the past eight years of working together while he was township supervisor. DeRossett did not run for re-election this year. Milkey will be the new township supervisor. By law, new board members will be sworn in on Nov. 20.
Clerk Danell Proctor read from a thank you card received from someone from out of state who visits their family gravesite at the Reynolds Cemetery on Ely road. They were appreciative of the recent tree removal after a tree had fallen, and the recent general improved maintenance at the cemetery.
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