Sara Swanson

County-wide Youth Council needs input from Manchester teens

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The Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation’s Youth Council, a group of 25 high school students from across Washtenaw County who work together to make an impact on the community through volunteering, service, and philanthropy, has launched the 2020 Youth Needs Assessment.

The Needs Assessment was designed by the Youth Council to learn more about the disparities and issues facing teens in Washtenaw County. The survey results will inform the funding priorities for the distribution of $80,000+ each year for the next three years. The Youth Council’s goal is to make sure they get responses from across the county, including from students in Manchester.

The survey is for high school aged youth. It only takes 5 minutes, is completely confidential, and is offered in English, Arabic, and Spanish. The survey can be reached at and is only open through November 29.

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