Manchester Township begins new terms for supervisor, treasurer, and trustee

The Manchester Township Fire Department is applying for grants for new fire truck and equipment.
Submitted by Sybil Kolon
The December 9 township board meeting was held by phone due to restrictions during the pandemic. All board members other than supervisor Ron Milkey were present, including the new treasurer, Kim Thompson and new trustee, Krista Jarvis. Fire chief Bill Scully was also present. It was not apparent if other members of the public were on the line. Trustee Lisa Moutinho chaired the meeting.
The treasurer reported a balance of $1,216,892.41 as of Dec. 4. Payment of $41,780 in bills was approved, including $11,654 to attorneys Fahey, Schultz, Burzych, Rhodes PLC for two months’ worth of legal fees, including advice on legal issues regarding AshKay Island, planning commission language review, and updating of the cemetery ordinance.
Fire chief Bill Scully provided the monthly report. There were 42 calls for service in November, including nine fires and 16 EMS responses. 85 burn permits were issued. Scully reported there was only one bid for a new fire truck from the three requested. The current fire truck is 25 years old and is needing more frequent repairs. The bid was opened, for $654,869, with discount. A grant request to help cover this expense has been submitted but its outcome is uncertain. The committee will evaluate the specifications and come back to the board to make a recommendation in January. It will take over a year to build the truck after order.
The board approved up to $3,200 to repair the mechanical CPR unit, including new batteries. The board also approved Resolution 20-02 to allow the fire department to apply for a grant for lift assistance equipment, that would help emergency responders in safely lifting patients who have fallen and cannot get back up on their own.
Zoning Administrator Carl Macomber was not present. The November zoning report shows two permits were issued for residences, one for a pole barn, two for solar installations, and one address was assigned.
Trustee John Seefeld reported on the planning commission meeting held the previous week. Tasha Hawkins-Bullock, owner of Sow Goods Farm, presented information on their planned farming operation on 155 acres on Lemm Road. It will operate year-around, using greenhouses and large containers. Their major client is a company in Oakland County, and they will provide produce to under-served areas of Detroit. They are planning to grow as close to organic as possible, with minimal use of water.
Michael Walters, chair of the planning commission, was approached about possibly starting a motocross track on Bowens Road near Van Tuyle.
The planning commission draft minutes indicate a public hearing will be set for January 7 at 7 pm, regarding a proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance to allow accessory dwelling units as a conditional use. It also was determined, according to the draft minutes of planning commission, that if a public hearing cannot be held in person, it will be postponed.
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