Marsha Chartrand

Shared use trail improvements being installed

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This bench, donated by John and Pat Sahakian, is located at the intersection of the trail and Hibbard Street.

submitted by Ray Berg

Users of the Manchester Shared Use Trail will notice some new amenities and other improvements being completed this month along the length of the trail. The Manchester Downtown Development Authority (DDA) received grant funding from Destination Ann Arbor through the Community Tourism Action Plan (CTAP), to install trail equipment and make other upgrades. These grant funds reflect the increased use of the trail for walking and biking as the public has become more aware of the trail and its natural setting, and also by more users seeking exercise options as the pandemic closed other facilities.

These improvements were suggested by members of our regular walking groups and the public, and were recently approved by the DDA, Village Parks Commission and Village Council. Installation support and equipment was provided by Barry Allen of the Manchester Lions Club and David Renner.

1. Installation of sitting benches at four locations spaced along the 1.5 mile trail length:

  • Intersection of the trail at Main Street, east of Chi-Bro Park
  • Intersection of the trail at Hibbard Street
  • Intersection of the trail at Washington Street
  • Overlooking the River Raisin at the trail junction with Union Street

The benches are a cedar-colored, recycled plastic material construction, similar to those located in other village parks. All four benches are sponsored by our contributing partners: River Raisin Antiques and Mercantile, Pat and John Sahakian, In Memory of Terry Woods by the Woods family, and Ray and Karen Berg.

2. Installation of nine trail mileage markers, spaced at intervals along the trail, and measured from the west end of the trail moving towards the east end. We are awaiting inspection of the proposed locations by Miss Dig prior to installing in areas where underground utilities exist, and it is possible this may be deferred till Spring 2021.

These mileage markers, along with other trail information and locations of amenities, will be included on a Shared-Use Walking Map, copies of which will be placed in the trail kiosks.

Trail kiosk and dog waste bags located at Chi-Bro Park.

3. Installation of two wooden trail kiosks, with signage, display cases and brochure holders, in Chi-Bro Park at the parking lot, and at the Union Street junction with the trail. The display cases will hold posters and other information about the trail and park activities, and the brochures will highlight the trail route, downtown Manchester, historic and scenic walking tours, and our popular Tour de Barn Quilts and Tour de Birds.

4. Installation of two dog waste bag stations, near the kiosks, which will dispense plastic dog waste bags to assist with trail cleanup by dog walkers.

5. Installation of an “End of Trail” sign at the west end of the trail, to eliminate any uncertainty on the trail end
point near the Leonard Preserve.

6. Compacting and treatment of two segments of the stone portion of the trail, where the stone is still somewhat loose underfoot. Various techniques are being studied to produce a firmer walking surface along the trail. This work will commence in Spring 2021.

We hope you enjoy these new features along our trail, and continue your exploration of our community in a healthy way!

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