Marsha Chartrand

Men’s Club begins work on skating rink at Wurster Park

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Men’s Club members set up an ice skating rink on Saturday. Work will be continuing over the next couple of weeks, so community members are asked to stay off until ice is solid.

Starting the New Year off right, the Manchester Men’s Club began set up of the Wurster Park ice rink on Saturday afternoon.

Men’s Club president, Andy Mahony, noted, “We are not doing a party this year due to current limitations, but we wanted the community to have the rink available for their use. We will be building the ice up over the next two weeks, so we’d like to ask the community to stay off it at this time.”

The club would also like to thank Schnearle Farms for supplying the straw bales this year.

As always, use of the rink will be skate at your own risk. Please use trash containers provided at the park and do not leave refuse in the community park.

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