Manchester Township to order new fire truck

Manchester Township Hall
submitted by Sybil Kolon, Community Reporter Corps
The January 12 township board meeting was held by phone due to restrictions during the pandemic. All board members were present. Fire chief Bill Scully was also present, as was Village President Pat Vailliencourt.
The treasurer reported a balance of $1,136,149. Payment of $20,272 in bills was approved, including new office chairs and a new telephone system.
Fire chief Bill Scully provided the monthly report. There were 34 calls for service in December, including 15 EMS responses. There were no fires in December. 32 burn permits were issued.
After extensive research, the truck committee recommends accepting the bid for a new fire truck to replace the current one that is 25 years old for $678,879. It will take about a year to build the fire truck. Scully explained that the grant application to assist in purchase of the truck was not approved. It is unlikely that an additional request would be accepted. The board approved moving forward with the purchase of the fire truck. The department’s grant writer suggested they may have more success in purchasing an additional utility truck that could be used for pulling a trailer and other support needs. The grant writer indicated he would not charge for writing the grant unless the grant is received. The board approved applying for this grant.
Scully also reported that Joey Knasiak has retired after 15 years of service. The board will issue a letter of thanks. Scully recommends hiring Jerimiah Bryant as a probationary firefighter. He is a certified firefighter in Virginia and his training may be accepted by Michigan. The board approved the recommendation.
An invoice for $3,659 has been received from the Washtenaw County Technical Rescue Team, which performed a rescue of a Manchester Township man who had a medical emergency tree stand while hunting in Freedom Township. Scully requested the township cover this expense. The board tabled the request while it researches the matter.
Zoning Administrator Carl Macomber was not present. The December zoning report showed that a zoning violation was issued related to a travel trailer and unlicensed vehicles on Lakeview Drive in the southern part of the township. A site plan was received from CSP Stamping, (the former Manchester Stamping on west Austin Road), for a small addition. One new address was issued.
Trustee John Seefeld reported on the planning commission meeting last week. The CSP Stamping site plan for a 900 square foot addition was approved. The public hearing for an amendment to the zoning ordinance for accessory dwelling units was postponed from January to February because it could not be held in person. The February public hearing could be postponed again if an in-person meeting is not allowed due to restrictions during the pandemic.
Supervisor Ron Milkey reported that the county had closed on the railroad right of way from Watkins State Park and County Preserve to Austin Road at the old junkyard. Work is expected to begin on that trail this spring. Milkey is planning a meeting with the Washtenaw County Sheriff to discuss options for service in the township.
Trustee Lisa Moutinho reported a few grants have been received by private entities to provide internet access in portions of Manchester Township. The FCC has awarded the state of Michigan a large grant from the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund which is expected to assist with internet access in Washtenaw county, though it could take six years to see those improvements. Other efforts are under way within the county to improve internet access in the township.
Several items were covered under new business. The contract for the assessor was approved at the same rate as last year. A resolution was adopted to establish poverty/hardship guidelines for homeowners to apply to the board of review to reduce or eliminate payment of property taxes due to financial hardship. The board of review considers any hardship applications on an annual basis. Jason Aldrich was appointed to the board of review, replacing Todd Fegan, whose term had expired. Aldrich had been an alternate. Kathy Fusilier was appointed to be an alternate on the board of review. Trustee John Seefeld was reappointed to serve on the planning commission. Trustee Krista Jarvis was appointed as the township’s representative to the Western Washtenaw Recycling Authority. Sybil Kolon was appointed to continue representing the township on the River Raisin Watershed Council. Kolon spoke briefly, stating that as the secretary of the executive committee, she is very involved and impressed with how much a small non-profit can achieve. She will provide a more detailed update at a future meeting.
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