Worth Repeating ends a successful 2020

The ever-changing collection at Worth Repeating makes repeated visits worth while!
submitted by Pat Sahakian
Worth Repeating, Manchester’s Charity Resale Shop, finished a successful year in 2020 despite COVID-19.
During the 115 days Worth Repeating was open, it raised more than $7,000 to give back to the community of Manchester. Groups that received financial donations from Worth Repeating during 2020 were Acorn Market, Manchester Family Service, Manchester Lions Club, the Community Resource Center, Manchester Chamber of Commerce for holiday lighting, Manchester Area Historical Society, and the Happy Hearts Feline Rescue. Funds for scholarships to Manchester High School graduates were set-aside for June 2021.
The generous donations from the community, along with the work of 30 volunteers, have made this a true community endeavor. Worth Repeating anticipates another great year in 2021.
Store hours are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday form 10 am until 2 pm and on Thursdays from 3 until 7 pm. Donations of like-new merchandise are accepted during open store hours. Storage space at the shop is limited and donations should be seasonally appropriate.
New volunteers are always welcome. Applications for new volunteers and applications for new grants are available at the store. The mission of Worth Repeating is to improve the quality of life in the community by donating to charitable groups in Manchester.
Worth Repeating is grateful to the community for the support it has been given during our first year of operation, and looks forward to raising even more funds for community charities in 2021!
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