Worth Repeating starts its second year
submitted by Pat Sahakian
In spite of being closed after only eight days of operation last March and reopening slowly in June, Worth Repeating has authorized donations of $14,014 back to the community during its first year of operation.
Donations have been made to the Acorn Market, Happy Hearts Feline Rescue, Manchester Community Resource Center, Manchester Family Service, the Manchester Lions Club, the Manchester Community Fair and the Manchester Area Historical Society Museum. Recently the group authorized the sponsorship of five $1,000 scholarships for the Manchester High School class of 2021 through the Manchester Community Schools Foundation.
As we need to make room for our spring clothing line, all clothes in the store will be free for a donation during the week of March 10 through March 13. The great bargains we have just got unbelievably better! Shoppers can take advantage of this amazing deal on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 10 am until 2 pm and Thursday from 3 until 7 pm. Every donation helps fund the many requests that we are getting from our local charities.
Worth Repeating Manchester’s Charity Resale shop looks forward to a second year at 110 E. Main St. to continue raising money for the many charitable institutions in Manchester as well as the community schools. The work we do would not be possible without the work of dedicated volunteers, generous donations of almost new merchandise and our happy shoppers.
Worth Repeating is a community effort and the work we do reflects the fine community that we serve. We are grateful for the support we have received from the community and look forward to making our second year of operation even better.
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