Men’s Club ends one season, ready for another

All that’s left of the Men’s Club winter ice rink was a small pile of ice near the gazebo on Saturday afternoon.
And that’s a wrap.
For several weeks, Manchester has had a well-conceived and well-tended ice rink. The cold weather held out this year and thanks to the volunteer efforts of Marc Kozloff and Mark Trinkle, the ice was appropriately groomed through the skating season, allowing kids of all ages to enjoy ice skating, hockey, and just being able to be outdoors in the winter weather.
Straw bales courtesy of Schnearle Farms provided a place to sit, along with the new benches installed in the park thanks to last summer’s Ka-Boom grant. In the middle of a pandemic winter, this spot provided a great respite for many in the community.
“It was the best ice we’ve had in five years,” said Men’s Club President Andy Mahony.
On Saturday morning, a handful of Men’s Club members came to Wurster Park, disassembled the rink, and stored the components until next year. In no time flat, the park was restored to its original condition and once those small sheets of ice melt into the ground, no one will be the wiser. But the memories will remain.
Next up for the Men’s Club is the Easter Egg Hunt in Carr Park on April 3, beginning at 11 am. Don’t be late … the eggs will be gone by 11:05!
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