Pop-up immunization clinic at Emanuel an unqualified success

Good weather made the outdoor waiting bearable at Emanuel Church on Wednesday, March 10. The parking lot was filled from before noon until after 4 pm.
On Tuesday afternoon, March 9, many Manchester residents received an email letting them know of a pop-up vaccine clinic happening the next day in our own community. The successful drive quickly got a great response and spots were filled quickly.
At least 397 vaccines were provided to Manchester and other local (Washtenaw County) folks 65+ and a few with extenuating circumstances.
“That was probably our fastest turnaround to date for doing a pop up,” said Susan Ringler-Cerniglia of the Washtenaw County Health Department. “Whew! We worked with the church to host; they also provided volunteers to support the process. We also reached out to partners and contacts in the area, as well as people already on our request list, to fill the appointments quickly.”
Ringler-Cerniglia added that based on scheduling the majority of participants were from Manchester, followed by Saline, Dexter, and Chelsea.
Emanuel Church volunteer Kathy O’Mara thought that the clinic was “great.”
“It ran smoothly,” she said. “Most of the other volunteers had worked other pop-ups and knew just what to do and what to tell people. I was outside checking in participants so I can’t say how the inside part went! But everyone was thankful and grateful to be able to get the shot. Lots of happy people.”
Herb and Carol Mahony were both able to get their “one-and-done” Johnson & Johnson vaccine at the clinic.
“Carol and I registered to get the COVID-19 vaccine on the Washtenaw County Health Department web site on Monday,” he said. “Tuesday, I got the email about the pop-up site at the church; we registered at got a 1:40 time slot.
“From the time we put the car in park to the time we drove away, vaccinated, was 22 minutes,” he added. “What a superbly run operation.”
Mahony added that he has worked in event planning and organization for about ten years, and still does. “This was an example of excellent planning,” he said.
“We love (making people happy),” said Ringler-Cerniglia. “The response was great and we’re hoping to offer another event as soon as feasible … and hopefully with a bit more time to accommodate requests!”
The Washtenaw County Health Department has added a second mass vaccination location on the western side of the county. The Pierce Lake Elementary School site opened March 9 in collaboration with St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea hospital and Chelsea School District. The new site provides approximately 324 vaccinations per day, and will add additional days as supplies allow.
Pierce Lake Elementary School is located at 275 N. Freer Road, Chelsea, Mich., 48118 and is not currently in use as a school building. Individuals eligible for vaccination under state prioritization guidelines can request an appointment online or by calling the Health Department at 734-544-6700 or contacting 211.

The immunization clinic hosted by Emanuel Church was spearheaded by the Washtenaw County Health Department.
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