WCRC road work season under way
The Washtenaw County Road Commission has announced its road work projects throughout the county for the week of May 3. Local roads that may be affected are as follows:
County Wide: A moving operation of street sweeping will be held on paved primary roads with curbs throughout the county during the week of May 3.
Bridgewater and Saline Townships: Parker Road, between Austin Road and the township line, will see daytime road closures during the coming week for limestone resurfacing.
Manchester Township: A moving operation for dust control measures will be conducted on unpaved primary roads throughout the township during this week. Be alert for county trucks conducting dust control application on any unpaved road.
Sharon Township: Intermittent lane closures on Grass Lake Road between Rank Road and Sharon Hollow has been extended through May 7 for continued limestone resurfacing.
To find out more about anticipated road work this summer by the WCRC, you can join road commission staff virtually on Thursday, May 6, 2021, at 11 a.m. for a summary of the road work planned on county roads this construction season. Online: https://bit.ly/
There will be a presentation followed by time for questions from the audience. A recording of the meeting will be posted to wcroads.org after the meeting. If you have any questions concerning this meeting, please contact Emily Kizer, communications manager, at (734) 327-6646 or kizere@wcroads.org.
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