Community Garden plots available to rent
Do you want to have a garden this summer but you don’t have a yard? Or you have a yard but your yard is too shady? Or you have a garden but no fence and the deer eat everything? You are in luck! There are still a few plots for rent at the Manchester Community Garden.
The community garden is located in the Village on the bus loop between Klager and Manchester High School, across from the baseball field. The garden is fenced to keep deer out, and uses sets of sprinklers on timers so that individual gardeners do not have to water their plots.
Gardeners rent a plot for the whole summer, where they can grow their own fresh, organic produce. All they have to do is plant, weed, and harvest. Multiple families are welcome to share a garden plot.
Plots come in different sizes and currently there are three 20’x20’ plots and three 10’x10’ plots still available to be rented this summer. The 20’x20’ plots cost $50 to rent for the summer, and the 10’x10’ plots cost $25 to rent for the summer. If you are interested in gardening but the cost is prohibitive, the fee can be waived.
To rent a plot or if you have questions, email
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