Organizers celebrate longest-running annual canoe race in Michigan

The “Foley” crew in Steve Foley’s 40th year at the Manchester River Raisin Canoe & Kayak Race. Steve has participated each year since 1982.
“We couldn’t have asked for a better day,” said Sybil Kolon, one of the primary volunteers for the 2021 River Raisin Annual Canoe & Kayak Race. “Our certainty about good weather was building all week; but in the morning that was in serious question, when we had on-and-off light rain until about 11 am. So the predicted clearing right at race time at noon made it even more special.”
With 55 consecutive years under their belt, organizers believe that Manchester’s race is the longest-running annual canoe race in the state that has been uninterrupted since its inception. For two years, since Manchester Kiwanis disbanded in 2019, a dedicated group of ten volunteers have made it their cause to continue this great tradition. That group hopes to meet this summer and fall to get past this ad hoc process and find or establish a sponsoring organization.
“We had a great turnout,” Kolon continued. We had 83 registrations, most of which were on the school’s online registration system, RevTrak, which was a great improvement from last year. Five registrants did not show; one did not finish. But a total of 77 canoes and kayaks completed the course — a very good turnout.”
Greatly surprising and equally appreciated was the young volunteer, Logan Kippnick, a member of the high school Robotics Team, who took up-close drone photos and video footage of each of the racers as they approached the finish line. “I think there will be support for making this a regular feature, though there is likely a need for some parameters to be established,” Kolon added. Kippnick’s drone photos, along with many more, are posted on the race’s Facebook page. Kolon said the group would love to find a tech-savvy volunteer, willing to help organize the thousands of photos!
Although the ongoing pandemic caused a variety of issues for participants and organizers alike, some of the changes it forced actually seemed to benefit the event! The online registration process, which included assigned arrival and launch times, was more efficient and appeared to be a popular feature. “It’s likely we will continue some of the measures we implemented over this year and last,” Kolon said.
The race’s newest class, Double Kayak, had six entries and is expected to continue in future years. Winners were: Kevin Line and Adler Line of Ann Arbor, first place; Peter Knox and Abigail Knox of Manchester in second; and Tom Pierce and Owen Pierce of Manchester in third. With four entries in the Single Canoe class (which returned this year after a several-year hiatus due to low enrollment), it seems that class, too, can be justified in continuing. Winning that class were (1) Christopher DeVries of Ann Arbor, (2) Shawn Mullaly of Reading, and (3) Dennis Kittel of Manchester
The once highly-popular Corporate Canoe class had just two entries this year, (LaRock Dental) Aaron LaRock and Nick Ross, of Manchester in first place; and (Meadowview Farms) Holly Horodeczny of Manchester and Erin Throneberry of Ann Arbor in second. It’s hoped that the local businesses will rise to the occasion once again in the years to come. Come on, Manchester businesses! We know you have a competitive streak — start planning now to get involved in next year’s event.
There was some confusion about the Teen Canoe class, with first and second places (Trent Line of Manchester and Brady Reed of Ann Arbor, and Brigid Doyle and Sheila Doyle) finishing within minutes of each other. And then … there was the third-place finisher. Two canoes, evidently traveling together, left the starting line but finished a leisurely three hours later. One canoe apparently picked up an extra passenger along the way. As they approached the finish line, they were encouraged to navigate between the buoys. One canoe did, while the other headed for the dock. So, the third-place finishers were declared as Ryan Kelly and Alexander Woods, both of Manchester.
Winners in other classes included: Competitive Canoe, with Brian Uhr of Horton and Ross Kittel of Montgomery IL the only participants, finishing in 0:43:49. Adult-Child Canoe Mark and Sophia Irish of Milford (1); Nick and Caleb Weidmayer of Manchester (2); and Jane van der Elst and Marcel van der Elst of Grand Rapids (3). In the Man-Woman Canoe class, Silas Bialecki and Sarah Felder, of Manchester, earned first place; Spencer Ruffner and Julie Hewlett of Tecumseh, second; and Patricia and Michael Steuwe, third. Men Canoe — Ryan Novess and Eric Flint of Manchester (1); Steve Foley of Bellaire and Joe Conen of Dexter (2); and Sean Sangster and Sully Flaherty of Manchester (3). Readers may remember that second-place finisher Steve Foley has also set some records of his own at the River Raisin Canoe & Kayak Race over the years. He has participated every year since 1982, making this year his 40th race! Foley said last year that the Manchester race is one of just a few “must-do” events he (and often many of his family members, including daughter Jane van der Elst, who placed third in Adult-Child) participates in each year.
In the Women Canoe class, Sybil Kolon and Margaret Bialecki of Manchester placed first; Cicely McClintic and Lauren DeLizia of Manchester, second; and Anna Snoeyink and Sarah Felder, third. In Single Female Kayak, Gwenn Stevenson of Oxford; Katie Bonner of Manchester; and Rebecca Krick of Ann Arbor placed first, second, and third, respectively. Single Male Kayak winners were David C Ives, Ann Arbor (1); Vincent Hittie, Monroe (2); and Rick Ensley, Clinton (3). Teen Kayak winners were Christine Drake of Manchester, Kera Root of Manchester, and Rebecca Murillo of Dexter. And the Sprint category winners included Rick Ensley and Jerry Dihle of Clinton, Dennis Kittel of Manchester and Joe Conen of Dexter, and Margaret Bialecki and Anna Snoeyink of Manchester.
Canoe Race Committee members include Kristi Campbell, Sybil Kolon, Krista Scharpenberg, Pat Vailliencourt, Patti McCabe, Haley Thomsen, Dennis Kittel, Sara Collier, Anita Herman, and Dave Bartley. If you are interested in participating on the committee next year, please contact one of these organizers for more information!

Single Woman Kayak at finish line.

Corporate Challenge winners Nick Ross and Aaron LaRock of LaRock Dental, at the start line.

Women’s Canoe winners
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