Marsha Chartrand

Wellness Coalition seeks input for Year 10 interventions

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The shared-use trail that passes through Chi-Bro Park helps fulfill at least one of the main goals of the Manchester Wellness Coalition: “Move more.”

The Manchester Wellness Coalition is in its 10th year of developing wellness programs for the benefit of the entire Manchester community. The 5 Healthy Towns Foundation (5HF) Board has approved Manchester’s planning budget for 2021, which include some changes to the process.

The Coalition is looking at developing both Manchester-specific projects, as well as regional projects in cooperation with the other 5HF communities. A variety of individuals and organizations assist with this planning, meeting monthly to initiate new projects and  programs. Are you interested in helping? Your input is valued!

The Coalition is seeking recommendations on infrastructure ideas, healthy programs, and activities which will assist with its efforts in 2021 planning and beyond! Programs need to help achieve at least one of the four goals of the Coalition: move more, eat better, connect with others in healthy ways, and avoid unhealthy substances. If you have an idea or perhaps even a developed proposal which meets one or more of these four goals, please contact Ray Berg at, or phone 248-765-9324.

Interested individuals or groups are invited to participate in the MWC monthly meetings (currently on Zoom). The next one is scheduled for June 22 at noon and information will go out shortly as to the format.

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