Manchester Township resolves to support wider broadband accessibility
Manchester Township Hall
by Sybil Kolon, Community Reporter Corps
All board members were present at the June 8 township board meeting. Also present were
zoning administrator Carl Macomber, fire chief Bill Scully and one member of the public.
Scully provided the Manchester Township Fire Department monthly report for May. There were 47 calls for service, including two fires and 31 EMS responses. Staffing numbers were discussed. There is turnover everywhere and some positions are going unfilled, but there are currently 25 volunteers on call, which Scully indicated is adequate.
Macomber reported four zoning permits were issued. He investigated a shed that was installed without a permit. The owner has not yet applied for a permit.
John Seefeld, the township board representative on the planning commission, reported on last week’s planning commission meeting. The owner of Sow Good Farms was present to discuss their site plan for a commercial/educational agricultural operation on 154 acres on Lemm Road. Ten greenhouses are planned initially. One of the biggest concerns is the greenhouse lighting during winter. Materials for blocking the light were discussed. The site plan was approved.
Supervisor Ron Milkey reported the county sheriff will have one of their county-wide road patrols monitoring speeds along west Austin Road. There is some interest in obtaining a flashing, current speed sign along this stretch. Washtenaw County is planning a tire collection at the township hall on June 26.
Trustee Krista Jarvis reported there are five people who have agreed to be on a new recreation committee. One focus will be the planned extension of the trail from the Leonard Preserve to Watkins State Park and County Preserve.
The board adopted a resolution to support affordable, countywide broadband access. The resolution requests the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners to allocate American Rescue Plan funds to cover high-speed broadband for all residents and businesses that are not included in the recent grant funding. Proposals have been received to address the remaining gaps in coverage and will be presented to the county for consideration.
The board discussed a resolution to join the Greater Irish Hills Region Intermunicipality Committee. Sybil Kolon has been attending these meetings on behalf of the township for a few years and provided some background. The southwest portion of the township is considered to be part of the Irish Hills. The group was formed in 2018, initially to put together a joint recreational plan. Because Manchester Township already has a joint recreation plan with the village, and we are not within the Region II planning area, the township does not need to participate formally. Kolon reported that at least nine of fourteen municipalities have joined the group. The board had some questions and tabled the resolution. Kolon will provide more
information next month.
The board discussed an outline provided by Trustee Lisa Moutihno on a policy to appoint members to boards and commissions. Moutihno will work with the board to come up with a proposed policy over the next few months.
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