School Board votes no on extending McCalla’s contract, okays alcohol at Crazy Ca$h
by Julia Forrest
The Manchester Community Schools Board of Education convened Monday night in both a special and regular session to discuss and vote on proposed budget resolutions, Manchester School Board’s annual fundraiser Crazy Ca$h, and approval to borrow funds from two state resources.
The special meeting began with Business Manager, Shannon Cajic, presenting budget information for 2020-2021 and 2021-2022. The board approved five resolutions to disburse funds of the Manchester Community School District for fiscal year 2020-2021. The five resolutions pertained to disbursement of funds for capital needs, food service, community service, the general fund, and student services. Board members in the special meeting also discussed and passed the proposed resolutions regarding the same types of funds for the 2021-2022 school year.
The regular meeting began with Vice President Mike Austin approving the minutes of the meeting with support from Trustee Kody Naylor.
No members of the public gave public comments.
The school board began with approving the extended COVID-19 Learning Plan. The approved COVID-19 Learning Plan would entail that students have a full five day in-person learning schedule, but have to finish out the rest of the 2020-2021 school year fully masked inside the classroom. Trustee Rebecca Harvey asked if the plan would still be in effect for summer school as more restrictions begin to be lifted; Superintendent Bradley J. Bezeau confirmed that this would be the case but they will continue to monitor the Washtenaw County Health Department guidelines. The board voted unanimously in favor of extending the COVID-19 Learning Plan.
Another agenda item largely discussed was alcohol and alcohol consumption at Kiwanis Crazy Ca$h, an annual fundraiser by the Board set to be held on September 11, 2021. The board voted to allow alcohol and alcohol consumption by those with tickets at the function. Tickets will only be sold to attendees age 21 and older. Superintendent Bezeau clarified that age restrictions would be checked at the door.
Trustee Harvey said she was against the event date as it is the anniversary of 9-11. Harvey explained to the Mirror, “September 11 is an historical and very somber day for our country and I was disappointed that it was chosen by our district to be a day of celebration. I feel there were plenty of other dates to choose from. I was told it was not the school’s decision to make Crazy Cash on that date, it was left to the organizers of the event.”
The board also voted on suspending the Drug-free Workplace Board policy for that night only. Crazy Ca$h and suspension of the Drug-free Workplace policy were approved by a 6-1 vote, with Trustee Michael Tindall voting against it.
The board also authorized the superintendent and a designee to complete the Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Notes in Anticipation of State School Aid. The school board could borrow up to $1.3 million in order to meet their needs. The authorization was approved unanimously. The board also adopted a resolution that enables the school board to borrow sums from the School Loan Revolving fund for next school year.
The last major item on the agenda was a discussion introduced by Superintendent Bezeau to start a block scheduling program for the junior and senior high school. Eric McCalla, the Principal of the junior and senior high school, cited students being able to take more electives, more time in core classes and labs, credit recovery, and enrichment as benefits of the suggested program. Students would take either four or five classes instead of seven.
While unanimously extending the contracts of Bezeau through June 2024, and administrators Karin Villarreal and Julie Charney through June 2023, the board voted against extending McCalla’s contract as Junior/Senior High principal and Athletic Director through June 2023 in 3-4 vote. McCalla’s current contract expires in June 2022.
Lastly, the school board approved other measures pertaining to MHSAA Membership, Michigan Association of School Boards annual membership, bell system upgrades for the junior and senior high school, and a DECA field trip request.
The Manchester Community School Board of Education will meet next on July 19, 2021. A link to watch the youtube live stream will be available on the school board’s website:
6-28-21 3:00pm Editors Note: The reasoning behind Trustee Harvey’s objection to the Crazy Cash event date was clarified and a quote from Harvey was added. The breakdown of that vote was also added.
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