Clinton Township Library: More great programs coming up in July!
In addition to using the Manchester District Library, Manchester and Bridgewater Township residents can get a library card for free to check out materials from the Clinton Township Library. Additionally, Manchester and Bridgewater residents are welcome to attend all library events at the Clinton Township Library. The Clinton Township Library is located at 100 Brown St. in Clinton. Questions? Call 517-456-4141 or visit
submitted by Tamara Denby, Clinton Township Public Library Director
This summer library services are in high demand, and the Clinton Township Library is here to meet your needs with a wide range of educational, entertaining, and enriching programs and services. In the first three weeks of Summer Reading programming, the Clinton library provided in-person services to more than 1,200 patrons, offered 15 in-library programs, and attended two community events to spread the word about the many opportunities we offer our patrons to learn and explore.
Since June 14th, patrons enjoyed story times with goats, chickens, baby rabbits, and dogs (all generously provided by local families); adopted stuffed animals and played with real adoptable kittens provided by the Lenawee Humane Society; learned how to use technology to create professional podcasts; photographed and animated stop-action movies using iPads and a green screen; “shopped” for Father’s Day gifts in our 100% free shop and practiced literacy skills by creating a card to go along with their gift; painted animal portraits for our Tales and Tails feature wall; learned about pollinators and how to protect them; and more!
There are a lot of great programs planned in July including free digital drawing, photography, and photo editing classes; craft classes and to-go craft-kits for all ages; book clubs for kids and adults; weekly enriching programs; and (of course) more story times with animals. Check out the library’s Events page for details, and “register” for events to receive an email reminder ( As always, all events are open and free to the public and do not require proof of residency or a library card.
This summer we encourage all members of our community to pay YOUR library a visit and learn what we can do for you!
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