Sara Swanson

COVID-19 cases rise in Manchester

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COVID-19 cases rose dramatically last week in 48158 from 2 new cases the previous week to 8 cases last week. The last time Manchester had eight positive cases was the beginning of May when we were nearing the end of our second wave of cases. While 8 cases is low compared to our highest new weekly case counts of 35 in November and April, it is still a jump from where we’ve been all summer.

Public Health professionals including the Washtenaw County Health Department recommend masking indoors for everyone in Washtenaw and getting vaccinated as quickly as possible if you are eligible. There will be a pop-up COVID-19 vaccine clinic in the Manchester area on Wednesday, August 18 from 10am to noon at Manchester Manor Mobile Home Park (101 Hibbard Street). This is a walk-up clinic; no appointment is needed. Look for the Health Department RV.  FREE door-to-door transportation to any Covid-19 vaccination site or event in Washtenaw County is available through the Vaccinate Washtenaw Program. Call 844-900-4892 and use code “Vaccinate Washtenaw.”

Washtenaw as a county crossed a milestone last week in that 70% of residents age 16 and older have now received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. The goal is to have 70% of residents having received both doses, in this metric, as a county we are currently at 66.1%. In all four Manchester area townships,  between 60% and 69% of residents age 16 and older have received at least one dose, and between 50% and 59% of residents age 16 and older are fully vaccinated.

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