School board meeting re-scheduled to TONIGHT because of audience refusal to mask
The School Board and audience reciting the pledge of allegiance at the beginning of the meeting that was adjourned almost immediately. From live stream of last Monday’s in-person meeting.
The Manchester Community Schools’ regularly-scheduled school board meeting was adjourned almost immediately after starting last Monday night, as some audience members refused to wear masks. Masks are currently required inside school buildings at all school events, including school meetings, under the Washtenaw County Health Department’s recent order.
The meeting was rescheduled for tonight, Monday, September 27, 2021 beginning at 6 pm in a virtual format using Google Meet. To attend, visit or Dial-in: (US) +1 470-241-5042, PIN: 212 896 110#. Virtual meetings are allowed under the Open Meetings Act through the state of emergency declared at the County level.
Since school began at the end of August, Manchester Community Schools has had 15 students and six staff members test positive for COVID-19, with 69 close contacts identified within the schools.
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