Halloween in the Village of Manchester 2021 (photos)

Caramel apples, pumpkin bowling, and All Hallows Reads returned to Wurster Park this year.

Trick-or-treaters Abby and Rebecca say hi to to Henrietta the goat.

Trick-or-treaters Samantha and Spenser admire the elaborate Halloween decorations

A skeleton hangs out in a lawn chair in the temporary graveyard on the island next to the mill in the River Raisin

Many houses in the Village boasted candy chutes to enable socially distanced trick-or-treating

Crowds of trick-or-treaters on Main Street

Another spookily decorated yard!

Trick-or-treaters Joey and Riley

While there were a few sprinkles, mostly the cool, windy weather provided the perfect atmosphere for trick-or-treating!


Many houses ran out of candy before the 7 pm conclusion of Village Halloween festivities but Wurster Park was still bustling with activity at the end of the events!
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