Underclass Students of the Month announced for October

October students of the month from grades 7-11. From right: 11th Olivia Milkey, 10th Miranda Austin, 9th Carter Gallinat, 8th Ellie Marsh, and 7th Ava Rentfro.
submitted by the Manchester Junior/Senior High School
Students in grades 7-11 at Manchester Junior-Senior High School received their Student of the Month awards for promoting a good way of life; For working and getting along with people; For working up to your capacity; For inspiring respect for adults, peer groups, and people in authority; For promoting good citizenship; For promoting self-control, ambition, responsibility, and self-reliance; For having desirable leadership; For promoting friendship and being personable; For aiding and encouraging the development of others with whom you are associated.
Congratulations to these young leaders in our school district!
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