Visit with Santa or write to Santa!
Did your child miss meeting or getting their photo with Santa last weekend? It’s not too late. There are two more opportunities — both on Saturday, this coming weekend!
Santa will be visiting the Manchester District Library located at 912 City Road, on Saturday, December 11 from 10:30am to noon. Children and invited to meet and greet with Santa from 10:30 to 11 am, enjoy a Santa story time from 11 to 11:30 am, and have their photo taken with Santa from 11:30 am to noon. Questions? Contact Miss Stacia at
Santa will then be visiting the mill porch downtown, from 1 to 3 pm!
Unable to make it this Saturday or looking for a socially distanced option? Your child can write a letter to Santa!
The Manchester Area Chamber of Commerce’s traditional Santa Mailbox can be found in the pedestrian alley between Comerica Bank and Dance with Hearts Studio on Main Street. (No postage required.) All letters received before Monday, December 20, will be personally answered by Santa’s volunteers, with delivery hoped for before Christmas. To receive a response, please be sure the child’s name and address are legible on the letter.
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